It’s the summer of super heros. Every summer there is a new blockbuster filled with super heroes. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Spiderman are only a few. Every summer, as we age and look at the person we are, the superheros seem to be getting younger and we continue to age.
So many times we look at ourselves and are critical of certain areas of our bodies. Abs, thighs and bat wings are all areas that my clients ask for help to eliminate or tighten and tone. Bat wings (a la, Batman) is the area of extra soft tissue on the back of the upper arm. A lot of women are very self conscious of this area. In the summertime when we should be enjoying cooler and cute clothes like tank tops and bathing suits, so many women cover up the areas they hate.
We have all seen one my favorite heroes Batman jump from a large building and extract his wings to fly to safety for the hero moment. It’s time for us to realize our own potential and set our arms free of bat wings.
It’s time to do something about it! I have come up with 5 simple exercises that can help you tighten and tone these problem areas. Start where are you and make progress. You don’t have to be super woman the first day but be your own hero. Take that negative energy and put it to work.
For this workout you won’t need any special equipment. Just get to work.
Soar into fitness,